Coming Soon...
K - 12th grade
Why Tutoring?
Improves academic performance
Can be customized to each student’s needs
Improves study habits
Improves self-esteem
Encourages intellectual independence
Improves social skills
Challenges high performing students
Helps manage learning difficulties
Personalized, direct feedback
Report cards from the first weeks of the school year show more students than last year failing at least one class. Students are turning in assignments late, if at all; skipping days to weeks of virtual school; and falling behind on reading, educators and parents report. Many parents say they’re exhausted from playing the role of at-home teacher, and some students without support at home are struggling to keep track of their daily workload with limited outside help. - The Texas Tribune
What's Next you ask?

"Youthful PRO's Preparatory Academy"
The PRO’s Early College High School is developed to give students the opportunity to explore various career options. An article found on msnbc.com stated that 80% of college-bound students have yet to choose a major, according to Dr. Fritz Grupe, founder of MyMajors.com. Despite the shocking numbers, these students are still expected to pick schools, apply and start degree programs without knowing where they want to end up. It is little wonder 50 percent of those who do declare a major, change majors — with many doing so two and three times during their college years, according to Grupe.
As a result of these finding the Corporation, its board and teachers find it imperative that the youth explore various subject matters to find their passions and greatest interest to relate them to a career in which they would love and enjoy.
There's More!!!